Macronutrients: Carbs

Macronutrients: Carbs

Carbohydrate is the third and final macronutrient. One of the most recent type of diets is a low or no carb diet. Yet, just like protein and fat, we need carbohydrates in our diet.

Functions of Carbs

The Macronutrients: Fat

The Macronutrients: Fat

This is the second post in our series delving into the macronutrients, and we will be looking at fats. You can check out all about protein here. As mentioned in the previous post, we need all three macronutrients each and every day and this includes fat. Yes, we need good, quality fat in our diet.

The Macronutrients: Protein

The Macronutrients: Protein

The “Macros” are the nutrients that the body uses in large amounts and each day our bodies need a fresh supply of these macronutrients. There are three macronutrients: Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate. Yes, your body needs all three to function in a healthy way, but we are each individuals, so our personal needs will vary. Let’s start with protein.

Fat Burning Botanicals

Fat Burning Botanicals

There is so much power in the foods we eat; they can build our health or tear it down. We each make the choice bite by bite; yes, we choose what to eat and ultimately much of our overall health is determined by these choices. One area that certain foods can help is with fat burning and botanicals can do this.

Properly Preparing Foods: Rice

Properly Preparing Foods: Rice

Rice is one of the oldest cereal grains and along with wheat and corn, one of the three leading food crops in the world. It is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, with 90% of the supply of rice is consumed in Asia. Rice can be a great food to add to your diet; …

What is in Your Food? Parabens

What is in Your Food? Parabens

Who would have thought that Parabens would be in our food? There has been much information about parabens in personal-care products but not so much with them in food.
Parabens are used primarily to stop mold, harmful bacteria, and yeast which is a positive attribute for them.

Water Quality and Your Health

Water Quality and Your Health

Do you know the quality of the water you drink and bathe in? Did you know the quality of your water can greatly affect your overall health and healing? Check out today’s post to discover the importance of the water you consume and bathe in.

How To: Roast Vegetables

How To: Roast Vegetables

I think is a pretty safe bet that most of us struggle to get our recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Fruits are easier for most people to eat on a daily basis, veggies not so much. The recommended daily servings of vegetables is two to three cups a day for most adults. Do you get that many cups a day? Even though I am in the health and wellness field, I sometimes struggle to do this. Many struggle with this; in a 2017 survey, only 1 in 10 adults ate the recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables.